IMPORTANT NOTICE:Under comment; please state Yay if it is funny and Nay if it isn't

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Trench Warfare

Note: *no racism intended*

Scene: Trench warfare on Pakistan border, Indian regiment on one side and Pakistani on the other, suddenly Vijay(of India) gets a bright idea, shouts!

"Oye Abdul!"
Guy pops up from other trench "Wassup !@!@er?" BANG shot dead!

"Oye Karim" two guys stand up, and in chorus "You takin' to me !@!@er?" BANG BANG both finito.

"Oye Mustafa!" 2 more, BANG-BANG! Capiche!

Pakistanis get worried, they think "Bastard Indians, when did they get so smart"? Decide to try it themselves.

"Oye Vijay ".... silence.

"Oye Sanjay!!".... silence.

"Oye brother, Ajay !"still silence

From the Indian side:
"Oye who's calling Vijay?"
Paki gets up, "Me", BANG!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

